Life is meant to be lived and enjoyed fully, without your health getting in the way. Feeling amazing is a priority, even if you have "bad genes" (If you ask me, I think they're all good genes, but we'll talk about it in the MTHFR and epigenetics courses).

You can feel vibrant and balanced even if you've had hormone issues, fatigue, anxiety, or mysterious symptoms your whole life by leaning into your unique genetics, your body's preferences and sensitivities, and by really listening deeply to what your body wants and needs.

You can take charge when you feel like crap and your doctor says there is "nothing wrong."

Symptoms are your body's way of telling you that something is wrong, something about the way you're living or nourishing yourself doesn't suit. Let's decode those symptoms into actionable steps.

Whether you have an MTHFR polymorphism, crazy hormones, or mental health issues like anxiety or depression, by beginning to listen to your body and respond appropriately, we can help you thrive.


"It's a 10 out of 10."

- Jordan Miller

"Amy & her course are an amazing beginning on a journey to a

better me."

- Joy Sanchez

"Dr. Amy is awesome. She has a wealth of knowledge on all topics, not just MTHFR. She is eager to help and truly cares about your health and helping you tackle your health challenges."

- Kevin Garber

MTHFR, To health with that podcast,
MTHFR course, Gene SNPs, epigenetics, MTHFR course, MTHFR class, epigenetics course, epigenetics class
MTHFR, Gene SNPs, and Epigenetics

Your genes are the text of who you are and how you feel.

Did you know you can change how that text is read?

Almost 50% of all Americans have an MTHFR polymorphism - and most don't even know it.

women's hormones courses
Women's Hormones

Hormone imbalance is the heart of pain, anemia, infertility, and even cancer for so many women.

Let's talk about strategies that actually work (that aren't your doctor's suggestion of birth control pills).

detoxification, detox, detox classes, food sensitivity elimination class,
Detoxification and

Food Sensitivity Elimination

Let's talk gallbladders, food sensitivities, hormones, and making detox a part of your daily.

Amy Neuzil, MTHFR coaching, MTHFR courses, women's hormone courses

Hi, I’m Amy. I want to help you thrive, no matter where you're starting from.

I'm a naturopathic doctor, speaker, teacher and coach and I've been helping people become better for the last 20 years.

Women's hormones, MTHFR, and mental health are my areas of focus. I'm also an MTHFR mutant (compound heterozygous) so MTHFR education is a bit of a passion project.

I'm so glad you're here!